Transformers with output powers and voltages other than those shown are available on individual order.
Write or call:
Toroidal mains transformer for tubes [200VA]
SEC I : 300V (0,2A)
SEC II: 160V (0,3A)
SECIII: 2x 6,3V (6,6A)
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 14 working days
Toroidal mains transformer for tubes [200VA]
SEC I : 250V (0,5A)
SEC II: 0 - 6,3V - 9V (8A)
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 14 working days
Toroidal mains transformer for tubes [200VA]
SEC I : 300 - 0 - 300V (0,2A)
SEC II: 5V (4A)
SECIII: 2x 2,5V (5A)
SECIV: 3,15 - 0 - 3,15V (3A)
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 14 working days
Toroidal mains transformer for tubes [200VA]
SEC I : 195 - 0 - 195V (0,39A)
SEC II: 30V (0,1A)
SECIII: 3,15 - 0 - 3,15V (7,5A)
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 14 working days
Toroidal mains transformer for tubes [220VA]
SEC I : 270 - 0 - 270VCT (0,3A)
SEC II: 0 - 5V - 6,3V (2A)
SECIII: 2x 6,3V (3A)
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 14 working days
Toroidal mains transformer for tubes [250VA]
SEC I : 0 - 275V - 330V (0,4A)
SEC II: 50V (0,1A)
SECIII: 2x 6,3V (7A)
SECIV: 6,3V (2A)
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 14 working days
Toroidal mains transformer for tubes [250VA]
SEC I : 390 - 0 - 390VCT (0,24A)
SEC II: 3,15 - 0 - 3,15VCT (5,4A)
SECIII: 6,3V (3,8A)
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 14 working days
Toroidal mains transformer for tubes [300VA]
SEC I : 400V (0,3A)
SEC II: 2x 70V (0,3A)
SECIII: 3x 6,3V (6,6A)
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 14 working days
Toroidal mains transformer for tubes [300VA]
SEC I : 300V (0,1A)
SEC II: 2x 160V (0,15A)
SECIII: 2x 150V (0,4A)
SECIV: 2x 6,3V (6,6A)
SEC V: 6,3V (2A)
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 14 working days
Toroidal output transformer for 2x6C33C or similar Push-pull.
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 10 working days
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 14 working days
Toroidal output transformer for 2xECL86 / 2xPCL86 or similar Push-pull.
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 10 working days
Toroidal output transformer for 2xEL34 / 2x6L6 or similar Push-pull.
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 10 working days
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 14 working days
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 14 working days
Toroidal output transformer for 2xEL84 or similar Push-pull.
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 10 working days
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 14 working days
Availability: on sale
Dispatched within: 14 working days